Purple Mutant Summer (inspired in part by Gorky’s Zygotic Mynci)

Purple mutant summer arrives with oppressive heat.
Roars of thunder echo across the land with authority.
Heightened emotions and free admission rollercoasters for all.
Until the sun sets accompanied by chirrups and the last buzz of the day.

All I can think of is production for him in the purple mutant summer.
All I know is working til breakpoint in the purple mutant summer.
All I want is capital and inequality in the purple mutant summer.

He pollutes our skies and burns our forests.
Sucks the ground dry and turns the sea to plastic.
He says he will make me rich if I pray to him and worship.
But I never ever see him in purple mutant summer.

I am trapped at home.
Silent and scared.
The storm is still going.
Our grievances unaired.

My cat can help me
As the trumpeter weeps
Meows in their sleep again